
Friday & Saturday are WOMEN ONLY events. 

Sunday is open to both WOMEN & MEN. For men: If you wish to join in training on Sunday, you must be apart of the group warm up at the start of the day!

Note: The following schedule is a very general overview.  More information TBA

FRIDAY JULY 26 (women only)

All day: Arrivals in WASHINGTON, DC

There will likely be training during the daytime for early arrivals. More information TBD

EVENING : BBQ and light training at APK


SATURDAY JULY 27 (women only)

MORNING : Jamming and workshops, location TBA

MID-DAY : Lunch break

AFTERNOON : Open training and breakout spots

EVENING : BYO picnic-style dinner and ultimate frisbee on the National Mall

SUNDAY JULY 28 (co-ed)

MORNING : Group breakfast at Meridian Hill Park in DC. Co-ed group warm-up and workshops

MID-DAY : Lunch break

AFTERNOON : Announcements and Breakout Spots in DC

Event officially ends around 5:00 p.m.